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Mike Brown

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Sturdy and Rugged Custom ATA Cases from Reliable Manufacturers

ATA cases are cases made to meet the Air Transport Association (ATA) specifications. The specifications pertaining to the case’s capability to withstand the harshness and impact of travel by air.

Buy Custom Foam from Platt Luggage Inc.

Buy online custom foam case from Platt Luggage Inc. We offer a huge variety of custom foam cases at a reasonable price. To get pricing detail you can visit our website.


Get Transport Cases at Affordable Price

Find here online Transport Cases from Platt Luggage Inc. We provide a variety of cases- Custom Soft Cases, Ata Tool Case, Equipment Cases, Heavy-Duty Cases, etc. at an affordable rate.

EMTRAC Wayside Worker Notification System

A test of the EMTRAC system for wayside rail worker safety notifications, which alerts both right-of-way workers and train operators when rail vehicles are approaching wayside worker locations.

EMTRAC System - Bicycle Detection

EMTRAC System allows Bicycle Detection app that enables secure data communication with intersection traffic controllers.

The Robotic EM4 - It's Alive!

One of our first tests of the new robotics system designed to be retrofitted onto an exitsing Em4 dual-tilt stream table. Currently supports pitch, roll, and standpipe depth adjustments.